Learn More About Justice Reinvestment

Discover what justice reinvestment is all about and hear about how other communities have put it in practice. Think about how it might work for your community & plan for the next steps.​


Unpacking Justice Reinvestment

Helping Community Understand JR

Justice reinvestment is still a relatively new concept within Australia, and many people may have never heard of it before. By allowing time to unpack, communities can make a collective and informed decision about embarking on a justice reinvestment journey. Even though JR looks different in every community, there are key principals and elements that guide the journey, and a solid foundational understanding is integral to success.

Who Needs to Be Involved

Anyone in community can be the kick-starter of conversations around JR. Often it is a group of people who have come across the concept whilst looking to stop the cycle of crime in their community. For example, the idea may be seeded by a group of Elders wanting to reduce Indigenous incarceration, or a local social services interagency wanting to address community safety.

If you're thinking about bringing a group of people together to learn about JR together, consider including:

  • Local Aboriginal Elders and families

  • Local champions and community figures

  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations

  • Not-for-profit community and social services including youth, family support, housing, FDV, AOD, mental health

  • Local Government departments including youth, safety, community development

  • State Government agencies including Department of Communities, WA Police, Department of Education, Department of Housing, Department of Health, Community Alcohol and Drug services

  • Young people

Workshop Suggestions


  • Names & Why are we each here? Its helpful to know who is in the room. Sometimes it is good to leave out organisations and roles so that everyone comes to the space as equal community member instead of with a label or agenda. By sharing why we are each here we start to get an understanding of the different passions, skills and experiences that can help along a JR journey.

What is Justice Reinvestment

  • History: To understand Justice Reinvestment it is helpful to have an understanding of it’s origins starting in America, and its more recent development and application in Australia. Refer to the Getting Started with Justice Reinvestment pack or the JR explainer video.

  • Principals and frameworks: These are a useful guide for the way that Justice Reinvestment should be implemented in Australia. Developing a shared understanding of these helps everyone get off on the right path. Refer to the Getting Started with Justice Reinvestment pack.

  • Examples of JR in Australia: Building on the history, principals and frameworks, showcasing tangible examples of JR in progress helps cement an understanding of the concept and build a hopeful vision of what is possible.

Why is the community interested in JR?

  • Understanding the unique context of your community, as well as the how and why you are considering a justice reinvestment approach is valuable information for the next steps in the JR journey.

The What and The How

  • Breakdown of the JR journey: with a new way of working and long-term project, people will often want to have some idea of what the journey looks like. Refer to the Getting Started with Justice Reinvestment pack.

  • SRWA’s role in supporting JR in WA: We’re here to support your community undertake a justice reinvestment. Learn more about what we can offer in the Getting Started with Justice Reinvestment pack.

  • Community readiness: Your community may like to consider our Readiness checklist which outlines some of the factors that influence likelihood of JR journey getting up and going.

Initial planning for the next step

  • Refer to step 2. Bring Everyone Together for a Yarn

Helpful Tools and Resources

Download a copy of the Unpacking Justice Reinvestment module here

Ready for Step 2?