Our Vision.

A Holistic, Evidence Based Approach.

Social Reinvestment is a holistic and evidence based approach to improving community safety, the wellbeing of families and individuals, and reducing the number of people we send to prison.

Social Reinvestment is a transformative approach. The evidence is clear that a significant number of people who offend come from, and return to, a small number of communities or postcodes. By investing our resources in addressing the root causes of offending, we can all benefit.

Social Reinvestment responds to the evidence that prisons are not effective or efficient deterrents, and do not properly rehabilitate. Of the people who have completed a prison sentence, we will send approximately 40 percent back within two years. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people this reality is even worse, with the recidivism rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men being 70 percent, and 55 percent for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

Social Reinvestment responds to the evidence that prisons are not effective or efficient deterrents, and do not properly rehabilitate. Of the people who have completed a prison sentence, we will send approximately 40 percent back within two years.

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people this reality is even worse, with the recidivism rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men being 70 percent, and 55 percent for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. The majority of people who we send to prison will eventually return to the community, so strategies other than imprisonment are needed. We need to identify, and work together to solve the social and economic causes of crime, rather than just reacting to criminal behaviour.